terça-feira, agosto 28, 2007

Antonio Puerta, in memoriam

Hoxe á tarde faleceu, despois dunha parada cardiorrespiratoria no partido Sevilla-Xetafe, Antonio Puerta. Era un profesional do fútbol e nos próximos días ía ser pai. Lonxe do histrionismo dos cracks mediáticos, este xogador representaba o fútbol en estado puro.

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At 6:10 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

can u leave ur phone number to me???

At 7:12 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

It seems different countries, different cultures, we really can decide things in the same understanding of the difference!
Personalized Signature:我喜欢淮安掼蛋,靖江青儿,南通长牌,姜堰23张,常州麻将这些地方言游戏

At 4:31 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Although there are differences in content, but I still want you to establish Links, I do not know how you advice!
Cargo Net


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